Steve takes over from Walter at Wyre Mark

It’s not often that the Worshipful Master outranks everyone else in the lodge room but that was exactly the situation at Wyre Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 754 when Captain Walter Porter PGJO handed over mastership of the lodge to Steve Wilson at Wyre’s installation after two incomparable and highly entertaining years for the members of Wyre under Walter’s direction.
The principal guest representing the Prov GM was Provincial Grand Senior Warden John Stanley accompanied by his colleague-in-office Prov GJW Steven Walls, G Std and Special Representative of the Prov GM John Forster; and other distinguished Mark Masons who had gathered to witness the installation ceremony at Wyre Mark Lodge.
Pictured from left to right at Wyre Lodge of Mark Master Masons’ installation are John Forster, John Stanley, new WM Steve Wilson, Steven Walls and Walter Porter.
True to the expected form it was a grand affair performed with the style, aplomb and good humour for which the retiring, but not shy, outgoing WM Walter is renowned. 
Steve Wilson was presented by lodge secretary Jimmy Rogers - for once on his feet to speak fewer times than the outgoing WM. Mike Casey of Semper Fidelis Mark Lodge No 880 assumed the role of installing SW, Alan Foster of Lathom Mark Lodge No 268 that of installing JW and John Morris of Fylde Mark Lodge No 296 took post as installing IG.
Before commencing with the installation ceremony Walter took the opportunity to thank the members of Wyre for their support during his two terms in office which he had undertaken to ‘stabilise’ the lodge as it had suffered losses in its ranks over past years. He said how gratified he was that every single office was now filled by a member of the lodge. He went on to mark the passing of his very distinguished colleague John Cartmell who, though not a member of Wyre had been a regular visitor to the lodge and asked the brethren to stand in silent tribute to departed merit.
Steve was then installed according to ancient custom and Wyre Mark Lodge tradition in a most sincere and dignified manner by his predecessor.
Thereafter the working tools were very ably presented by SD Joe O’Brian, resplendent in his kilt; Chaplain George Clitherow gave the keystone address with Reg of Marks Bill Thorp giving the address to the Overseers. To the new WM’s delight and utter surprise the address to the WM was performed by Steve’s friend and work colleague Giles Berkley. Prov GSW designate Andrew Dixon delivered the address to the wardens.
Following his address to the brethren of the lodge John Stanley brought the greetings of the Pr GM and brought his own personal congratulations to all the officers who had taken part in the ceremony wishing Steve every success and good health in his new role.
Earlier lodge DC Dennis Smith, breathing he said a great sigh of relief that the lodge might resume a more traditional approach under his guidance as Walter returned to the back benches, received apologies from Walter about his sometime ‘cavalier’ approach during his mastership. John continued this analogy by saying that what he had witnessed as Walter had conducted the ceremony was more of a ‘roundhead’ approach as it had been done meaningfully and with great dignity.
John said how delighted he was to receive two cheque's from Wyre Mark Lodge one for £500 destined for the West Lancashire Mark Master Masons’ Charity Fund and the other, a second £500, for Fleetwood Masonic Club.
At the sumptuous festive board which followed amidst the speeches of congratulations a further £120 from a ‘Westhoughton’ raffle was raised which was earmarked for the Masonic Fun Day due to take place on 7 July at Bamber Bridge.


Article and Photographs courtesy of Bob Boal